RealHottie4U likes her beads doesn’t she? This sexcam cutie is always wearing a nice string of beads around her neck, and when she gets really horny she likes to play with them around her pussy. You know how you put a towel between your legs and go front to back to dry your bits and pieces? Well RealHottie4U here often does this with her beads; the bigger ones more than the little pearls. Sexcam operators often have their little quirks and this is what makes them stand the test of time. Because wherever you find a quirk you’ll usually find someone who is enormously turned on by it; I’m not kidding! This is how niche adult websites are born. We find the niche and exploit it.
In this sexcam case it would probably be something like “bead fetish”. Now before you all rush out to see if someone has done it, I can probably tell you that they have without even looking. That’s how it works. Everyone seems to get the same idea at the same time! But back to the sexcam babe in question here. I wonder if she did start the whole thing off? I would imagine that it existed long before this cute little webcam sex whore was even born. But even so, she is keeping the bead fetish tradition alive and deserves credit for such a task. Wouldn’t you just love to see her shoving those beads in her sweet pussy and then pulling them out with a little yelp? I know I’d love to watch her do it. It would certainly sort me out for the day ahead and give me lots to think about on my lunch break!